Every year, the Long Island Family Consumer Council hold a Legislative in our area. I truly look forward to it. It's an opportunity to show the parent's unity, the legislators are there and I get re-fueled. There are times when I just don't feel that I can do it anymore but after an event like this, I am psyched to continue the advocacy. It's nice to see the politicians get up there and acknowledge they respect us and encourage us to advocate for our children (even if we are a pain in the ass at times). Both Commissioner Maul and Senator Flanagan spoke. They truly get it and understand. Both are huge supporters are those with disabilities..and while I may have ruffled a few feathers this year, I know they understand that I truly had no choice--(my post on my daughter's wheelchair).
This year, there was a girl there who just blew me away. She is a true savant. She composes and plays the keyboard...her musical is unbelievable. Now, while Brittany (that's her name like my daughter) is autistic, mentally challenged and blind. Her music is not just good because of those issues, it would be amazing even if you didn't know that. But the fact that she has overcome such obstacles truly blew my mind. The first song she ever composed is called "Brittany For Momma". Well, I was crying like a baby. It was so beautiful. I was blown away! I recommend that you go to her site and check out her songs (there are a few samples). It is definitely worth the listen and truly makes you believe miracles can happen!
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