Once every 1 1/2 years, I put together a Bowl-a-thon, in honorary of my daughter, in order to raise money for a worth cause. The charity recipient is chosen based upon one of Brittany's multiple disabilities (seizures, gastric intestinal, CP and more). This event started because my family and friends felt helpless when Brittany was having uncontrollable seizures. They all wanted to do something but they (and I) didn't know what they could do. So, my friends and I began the Brittany Bowl-A-Thon. The money isn't just donated, the recipient gives me a few ideas of what they need and we choose something (we've done a respite and camp program for kids with seizures, we began an infantile spasm study program to try to find out why infantile spasms begin, we've created a program at the Epilepsy center). This year, we decided to build a Soft Gym for the children and United Cerebral Palsy Nassau. The Children's Learning Center is the name of the school. The Soft Gym will allow the children to get out of their wheelchairs and play in the least restrictive environment.

This year we raised, $8,000. I don't ask for ridiculous prices like some charities ($65 a couple). And then people buy raffles etc. Bernie & Susan Leifer (my aunt & uncle) agreed to donate the balance of what the gym would cost..so it's a reality. I get so much fulfillment from that. Granted, I am cursing the week before but somehow it all falls into place the night of the event. So now I am truly on cloud 9. It feels good to be able to play such an

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